Another impressive Taiko drum welcome awaited us at Miyako. There were two school groups of drummers. On was high school girls who were outstanding. The other was actually kindergarteners who did quite a good job considering that the drums were bigger than they were.
We toured to two different beach areas with dramatic rock formations and pine trees. The area is a national park except for a few waterfront towns.
When it was time to leave a different group of drummers arrived to give us a send-off. Unfortunately, after a beautiful sunny day it started to rain just before the drumming was to start. They played anyway, in the pouring rain. Then, just as we were pulling away from the dock the sunset broke through on the horizon and we had a brilliant yellow/red sun shinning and rain coming down and the drummers drumming all at the same time. I am told there was a great rainbow behind the ship but I didn't see it.